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; PURPOSE:      Initialize plotting variables
;               uly_plot = uly_plot_init([  XSIZE=xsize]           $
;                                        [, YSIZE=ysize]           $
;                                        [, BGCOLOR=bgcolor]       $
;                                        [, AXISCOLOR=axiscolor]   $
;                                        [, LINECOLOR=linecolor]   $
;                                        [, MODELCOLOR=modelcolor] $
;                                        [, POLYCOLOR=polycolor]   $
;                                        [, RESIDCOLOR=residcolor] $
;                                        [, SIGMACOLOR=sigmacolor] $
;                                        [, PSYM=psym]             $
;                                        [, MODELPSYM=modelpsym]   $
;                                        [, POLYPSYM=polypsym]     $
;                                        [, RESIDPSYM=residpsym]   $
;                                        [, SIGMAPSYM=sigmapsym]   $
;                                        [, LINESTYLE=linestyle]   $
;                                        [, MODELSTYLE=modelstyle] $
;                                        [, POLYSTYLE=polystyle]   $
;                                        [, RESIDSTYLE=residstyle] $
;                                        [, SIGMASTYLE=sigmastyle] $
;                                        [, LINETHICK=linethick]   $
;                                        [, MODELTHICK=modelthick] $
;                                        [, POLYTHICK=polythick]   $
;                                        [, RESIDTHICK=residthick] $
;                                        [, SIGMATHICK=sigmathick] $
;                                        [, CHARSIZE=charsize]     $
;                                        [, CHARTHICK=charthick]   $
;                                        [, HALFTONECT=halftonect] $
;                                        [, /HIDEHALFTONE]         $
;                                        [, /HIDECONTOUR]          $
;                                        [, /SHOWSIGMA]            $
;                                        [, /HIDEMINIMA]           
;               Creates a structure containing all plotting variables, such
;               as colors, character sizes, etc.
;               This task is called by the plotting tasks directly so there
;               is no need to explicitly call it unless you want to change
;               the plotting behaviour.
;               The list of color names can be obtained as: 
;                       print, FSC_COLOR(/NAMES)
;               XSIZE, YSIZE
;                       If no plotting window exists, create a window of this
;                       size, in pixels. If a plotting window already
;                       exists, these keywords have no effect, the
;                       opened window will be used. 
;               BGCOLOR
;                       Color index (integer) or name (character string).
;                       Background color, default is 'White'.
;               AXISCOLOR
;                       Color index (integer) or name (character string).
;                       Color for the axes and decoration, default is 'Black'.
;               LINECOLOR
;                       Color index (integer), or name (character string).
;                       Main plotting line color, default is 'Blue'.
;                       Plotting colors for the model, polynomial, residual
;                       and 1 sigma level respectively. 
;                       Defaults are: Blue for model, red for polynomial,
;                       black for residual, green for sigma.
;                       Plotting symbols for the line, model, polynomial, residual
;                       and 1 sigma level respectively.
;                       Defaults are 0.
;                       Line style parameter for data, model, polynomial,
;                       residual and sigma level respectively, default is 0.
;                       0       Solid
;                       1       Dotted
;                       2       Dashed
;                       3       Dash Dot
;                       4       Dash Dot Dot
;                       5       Long Dashes 
;                       Line thickness parameter for data, model, polynomial,
;                       residual and sigma level respectively, default is 1.
;               CHARSIZE
;                       Axis character size, default is 1.4.
;               CHARTHICK
;                       Axis character thick, default is 1.
;               HALFTONECT
;                       Color table for halftone overlay in Chi2 maps.
;                       Default is 3 (Red Temperature). Use XLOADCT to get
;                       all available color tables. 
;               /HIDEHALFTONE
;                       Set this keyword to hide the halftone overlay in
;                       Chi2 maps.
;               /HIDECONTOUR
;                       Set this keyword to hide contour levels in Chi2
;                       maps.
;               /SHOWSIGMA
;                       Set this keyword to show sigma levels.
;               /HIDEMINIMA
;                       Set this keyword to hide the local and global
;                       minima in Chi2 maps.
;               Define where to get the data:
;                       galaxy = uly_root+'/data/VazMiles_z-0.40t07.94.fits'
;               Initialize the plotting variables and setting a green on
;               red plot and log y axis:
;                       plot_var = uly_plot_init(linecolor='Blue', bgcolor='Red', /ylog)
;               Set the linestyle to be hashed:
;                       plot_var.linestyle=2
;               Set the axis color to be purple.
;                       plot_var.axiscolor=FSC_Color('Purple')
;               Make the plot.
;                       uly_spect_plot, galaxy, plot_var=plot_var
;               Overplot a convolved version of that plot, in blue.
;                       plot_var.linecolor=FSC_Color('Green')
;                       plot_var.linestyle=0
;                       uly_spect_plot, galaxy, conv=[10000., 300., 0., 0.], /overplot, plot_var=plot_var
;               Contemplate a truly artistic choice of color!
; DEPENDENCE:   fcs_color.pro by David Fanning
;               Antoine Bouchard
;               2008/08/15      Creation
; -
function uly_plot_init, XSIZE=xsize,                 $
                        YSIZE=ysize,                 $
                        BGCOLOR=bgcolor,             $
                        AXISCOLOR=axiscolor,         $
                        HALFTONECT=halftonect,       $
                        LINECOLOR=linecolor,         $
                        MODELCOLOR=modelcolor,       $
                        POLYCOLOR=polycolor,         $
                        RESIDCOLOR=residcolor,       $
                        SIGMACOLOR=sigmacolor,       $
                        BADCOLOR=badcolor,           $
                        PSYM=psym,                   $
                        MODELPSYM=modelpsym,         $
                        POLYPSYM=polypsym,           $
                        RESIDPSYM=residpsym,         $
                        SIGMAPSYM=sigmapsym,         $
                        LINESTYLE=linestyle,         $
                        MODELSTYLE=modelstyle,       $
                        POLYSTYLE=polystyle,         $
                        RESIDSTYLE=residstyle,       $
                        SIGMASTYLE=sigmastyle,       $             
                        LINETHICK=linethick,         $
                        MODELTHICK=modelthick,       $
                        POLYTHICK=polythick,         $
                        RESIDTHICK=residthick,       $
                        SIGMATHICK=sigmathick,       $
                        CHARSIZE=charsize,           $
                        CHARTHICK=charthick,         $
                        HIDETITLE=hidetitle,         $
                        HIDEHALFTONE=hidehalftone,   $
                        HIDECONTOUR=hidecontour,     $
                        SHOWSIGMA=showsigma,         $
                        HIDEMINIMA=hideminima,       $

common plot_init, p1, x1, y1, p2, x2, y2

if not keyword_set(xsize) or size(xsize, /TYPE) ne 2 then xsize = 700
if not keyword_set(ysize) or size(ysize, /TYPE) ne 2 then ysize = 500
if not keyword_set(halftonect) or size(halftonect, /TYPE) ne 2 then halftonect=39
loadct, halftonect, /SILENT

if not keyword_set(bgcolor) then bcolor=FSC_Color("White") $
else if size(bgcolor, /TYPE) eq 7 then bcolor = FSC_Color(bgcolor) $
else bcolor = bgcolor

if not keyword_set(axiscolor) then acolor=FSC_Color("Black") $
else if size(axiscolor, /TYPE) eq 7 then acolor = FSC_Color(axiscolor) $
else acolor = axiscolor

if not keyword_set(linecolor) then lcolor = FSC_Color("Blue") $
else if size(linecolor, /TYPE) eq 7 then lcolor = FSC_Color(linecolor) $
else lcolor = linecolor

if not keyword_set(modelcolor) or size(modelcolor, /TYPE) ne 7 then modelcolor="Blue"
if not keyword_set(polycolor)  or size(polycolor,  /TYPE) ne 7 then polycolor="Cyan"
if not keyword_set(residcolor) or size(residcolor, /TYPE) ne 7 then residcolor="Black"
if not keyword_set(sigmacolor) or size(sigmacolor, /TYPE) ne 7 then sigmacolor="Green"
if not keyword_set(badcolor)   or size(badcolor,   /TYPE) ne 7 then badcolor="Red"
if not keyword_set(psym)       or size(psym,       /TYPE) ne 2 then psym=0
if not keyword_set(modelpsym)  or size(modelpsym,  /TYPE) ne 2 then modelpsym=10
if not keyword_set(polypsym)   or size(polypsym,   /TYPE) ne 2 then polypsym=10
if not keyword_set(residpsym)  or size(residpsym,  /TYPE) ne 2 then residpsym=10
if not keyword_set(sigmapsym)  or size(sigmapsym,  /TYPE) ne 2 then sigmapsym=0
if not keyword_set(linestyle)  or size(linestyle,  /TYPE) ne 2 then linestyle=0
if not keyword_set(modelstyle) or size(modelstyle, /TYPE) ne 2 then modelstyle=0
if not keyword_set(polystyle)  or size(polystyle,  /TYPE) ne 2 then polystyle=0
if not keyword_set(residstyle) or size(residstyle, /TYPE) ne 2 then residstyle=0
if not keyword_set(sigmastyle) or size(sigmastyle, /TYPE) ne 2 then sigmastyle=0
if not (keyword_set(linethick)  or $
        size(linethick,  /TYPE) eq 2 or size(linethick,  /TYPE) eq 4) then $
           if !p.charthick eq 0 then linethick=1 else linethick=!p.charthick
if not (keyword_set(modelthick) or $
        size(modelthick, /TYPE) eq 2 or size(modelthick, /TYPE) eq 4) then $
           if !p.charthick eq 0 then modelthick=1 else modelthick=!p.charthick
if not (keyword_set(polythick)  or $
        size(polythick,  /TYPE) eq 2 or size(polythick,  /TYPE) eq 4) then $
           if !p.charthick eq 0 then polythick=1 else polythick=!p.charthick
if not (keyword_set(residthick) or $
        size(residthick, /TYPE) eq 2 or size(residthick, /TYPE) eq 4) then $
           if !p.charthick eq 0 then residthick=1 else residthick=!p.charthick
if not (keyword_set(sigmathick) or $
        size(sigmathick, /TYPE) eq 2 or size(sigmathick, /TYPE) eq 4) then $
           if !p.charthick eq 0 then sigmathick=1 else sigmathick=!p.charthick
if not (keyword_set(charthick)  or $
        size(charthick,  /TYPE) eq 2 or size(charthick,  /TYPE) eq 4) then $
           if !p.charthick eq 0 then charthick=1 else charthick=!p.charsize
if not (keyword_set(charsize)   or $
        size(charsize,   /TYPE) eq 2 or size(charsize,   /TYPE) eq 4) then $
           if !p.charsize eq 0 then charsize=1 else charsize=!p.charsize
if keyword_set(hidehalftone) then showhalftone = 0 else showhalftone = 1
if keyword_set(hidecontour)  then showcontour = 0  else showcontour = 1
if keyword_set(showsigma)    then showsigma = 1    else showsigma = 0
if keyword_set(hideminima)   then showminima = 0   else showminima = 1

return, { $
          xsize:xsize,                  $
          ysize:ysize,                  $
          bgcolor:bcolor,               $
          axiscolor:acolor,             $
          halftonect:halftonect,        $
          linecolor:lcolor,             $
          modelcolor:modelcolor,        $
          polycolor:polycolor,          $
          residcolor:residcolor,        $
          sigmacolor:sigmacolor,        $
          badcolor:badcolor,            $
          psym:psym,                    $
          modelpsym:modelpsym,          $
          polypsym:polypsym,            $
          residpsym:residpsym,          $
          sigmapsym:sigmapsym,          $
          linestyle:linestyle,          $
          modelstyle:modelstyle,        $
          polystyle:polystyle,          $
          residstyle:residstyle,        $
          sigmastyle:sigmastyle,        $
          linethick:linethick,          $
          modelthick:modelthick,        $
          polythick:polythick,          $
          residthick:residthick,        $
          sigmathick:sigmathick,        $
          charsize:charsize,            $
          charthick:charthick,          $
          showhalftone:showhalftone,    $
          showcontour:showcontour,      $
          showsigma:showsigma,          $
          showminima:showminima         $
Part of ULySS package