function uly_solut_sread, solut_file, STATUS=status
status = 0
if (size(solut_file))[0] ne 0 or (size(solut_file))[1] ne 7 then begin
status = 1
message, 'Invalid file name', /INFO
return, 0
filen = solut_file+".fits"
if file_test(filen) eq 0 then filen = solut_file
if file_test(filen) eq 0 then begin
status = 1
message, 'File not found', /INFO
return, 0
fits_open, filen, fcb, /NO_ABORT, MESSAGE=messg
if messg ne '' then begin
status = 1
message, messg, /INFO
return, 0
fits_read, fcb, data, hdr, MESSAGE=messg
fits_close, fcb
if messg ne '' then begin
status = 1
message, messg, /INFO
return, 0
if sxpar(hdr, "NAXIS") eq 0 then begin
message, 'data extension is empty', /INFO
format = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, "FORMAT"))
if format ne 'solut' then message, 'This is not a solut file'
array = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, "ARRAY*"))
ndim = size(data,/N_DIM)
dim = size(data,/DIM)
narray = n_elements (array)
if dim[ndim-1] ne narray then begin
message, /INFO, $
'invalid file, ARRAY* keywords should describe the last axis of data '
dim = dim[0:ndim-2]
tot = 1
for i=0, ndim-2 do tot *= dim[i]
data = reform(data, tot, narray, /OVER)
crv = double(string(sxpar(hdr, "CRVAL1")))
cdv = double(string(sxpar(hdr, "CD1_1")))
crp = double(string(sxpar(hdr, "CRPIX1")))
ctype = sxpar(hdr,'CTYPE1')
if strmid(ctype,5,3) eq 'LOG' then sampling = 1 else sampling = 0
title = sxpar(hdr, "TITLE")
dof_factor = sxpar(hdr, "DOF_FACT")
model_id = sxpar(hdr, "MODEL_ID")
for i=0,n_elements(array)-1 do begin
case array[i] of
'DATA': flux = reform(data[*,i], dim)
'ERROR': err = reform(data[*,i], dim)
'BESTFIT': bestfit = reform(data[*,i], dim)
'MULTIPLICATIVE CONTINUUM': mulcont = reform(data[*,i], dim)
'ADDITIVE CONTINUUM': addcont = reform(data[*,i], dim)
'MASK': mask = byte(reform(data[*,i], dim))
return, { $
title:title, $
hdr:ptr_new(hdr), $
start:crv-(crp-1d)*cdv, $
step:cdv, $
sampling:sampling, $
refpix:crp, $
data:ptr_new(flux), $
err:ptr_new(err), $
bestfit:bestfit, $
mask:mask, $
dof_factor:dof_factor, $
addcont:addcont, $
mulcont:mulcont, $
model_id:model_id $
Part of