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;                 ULY_STARTUP
;                 Compile the ULySS programs
;                 @ /galaxies2/data/prugniel/ulyss/uly_start.pro
;   The IDL setting for ULySS package, that can conveniently be included in
;   the startup file (pointed to be the environment variable IDL_STARTUP.
;   Simply add the line: @ /galaxies2/data/prugniel/ulyss/uly_start.pro
;   The file uly_startup.pro is automatically created from the file
;   uly_startup.pro.in by the configuration script when the command
;   make install is issued from the shell.
!path = '/galaxies2/data/prugniel/ulyss/pgm:/galaxies2/data/prugniel/ulyss/dep:' + !path

; compile the ULySS sources and the functions referenced there
;   (note that resolving uly_test and the functions called through 
;    call_function is sufficient ... we are doing too much here)

resolve_all, /CONT, UNRES=unres, /QUIET, RESOLVE_EITHER= [               $
;    general purpose (low level, utilities) routines
        "xrebin", "mregress", "undefine", "tickslog", "bvls_ps",         $
        "uly_cmp_name", "uly_plot_init", "uly_plot_save",                $
        "uly_line",                                                      $
;    SSP routines
        "uly_ssp_alloc", "uly_ssp_read", "uly_ssp_chck", "uly_ssp_extr", $
        "uly_ssp_interp", "uly_ssp_write", "uly_ssp",                    $
;    TGM routines
        "uly_tgm", "uly_tgm_init", "uly_tgm_eval", "uly_tgm_extr",       $
;   'lsf' routines
         "uly_lsf", "uly_lsf_plot", "uly_lsf_smooth",                    $ 
;   'spect' routines
         "uly_spect_alloc", "uly_spect_get", "uly_spect_read",           $
         "uly_spect_logrebin", "uly_spect_linrebin",                     $
         "uly_spect_losvdconvol", "uly_spect_extract",                   $
         "uly_spect_plot", "uly_spect_lsfconvol",                        $
;   'chi2map' routines
         "uly_chimap_init", "uly_chimap", "uly_chimap_plot",             $ 
         "uly_chimap_read",                                              $
;   'solut' routines
         "uly_solut_swrite", "uly_solut_sread", "uly_solut_splot",       $
         "uly_solut_twrite", "uly_solut_tread", "uly_solut_tprint",      $
         "uly_solut_tplot",                                              $
;   main ULySS routines
         "uly_fit_init", "uly_fit_lin", "uly_fit", "uly_star",           $
         "ulyss", "uly_test"                                             $

; Mention the unreslved routines (except some obsolete VMS things)
if n_elements(unres) ne 0  then begin & $
        un = where(stregex(unres,'EMD$|TRNLOG$|DELLOG$|SETLOG$') ne 0, cnt) & $
        if cnt ne 0 then printf, -2, 'UNRESOLVED ROUTINES:', unres[un]  & $

; define ULySS root directory used for test & example programs
; This is automatically set by the configuration script
common uly_path, uly_root
uly_root = '/galaxies2/data/prugniel/ulyss'

;; note that the compiled routines may be saved as:
;save, /ROUTINES, FILENAME='ulyss.sav'
;; and then restored as:
;restore, 'ulyss.sav'
;; in this way we could avoid to 'compile' every time we start ULySS

;; end -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Part of ULySS package