function uly_tgm_coef_load, filename
compile_opt idl2, hidden
on_error, 2
if n_elements(filename) eq 0 then begin
message, 'no input model file name...', /INFO
print, 'Usage: uly_tgm_model_load, <filename>, ...'
return, 0
fits_read, filename, warm, hdr, EXTEN_NO=0, MESSAGE=mess0
fits_read, filename, hot, EXTEN_NO=1, MESSAGE=mess1
fits_read, filename, cold, EXTEN_NO=2, MESSAGE=mess2
padhot = n_elements(warm)-n_elements(hot)
if padhot gt 0 then begin
hot = reform(hot,n_elements(hot),/OVER)
hot = [hot, dblarr(padhot)]
hot = reform(hot, size(warm, /DIM), /OVER)
if mess0 ne '' or mess1 ne '' or mess2 ne '' then begin
message, 'Failed to read FITS file...'+mess0+mess1+mess2, /INFO
return, 0
crval1 = double(string(sxpar(hdr, 'CRVAL1')))
cdelt1 = double(string(sxpar(hdr, 'CDELT1')))
naxis1 = string(sxpar(hdr, 'NAXIS1'))
ctype1 = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'CTYPE1', /SILENT, COUNT=cnt), 2)
if cnt eq 0 then ctype1 = 'AWAV'
if ctype1 eq 'AWAV' then samp = 0 $
else if ctype1 eq 'AWAV-LOG' then samp = 1 $
else message, 'Unsupported CTYPE1 value ' + ctype1
nans = where(finite(hot) eq 0, cnt)
if cnt gt 0 then hot[nans] = 0.0
spec_coef = [[[warm]],[[hot]],[[cold]]]
f = where(finite(spec_coef) eq 1, cnt_coef, COMPLEM=bad)
if cnt_coef eq 0 then message, /INFO, 'the coefficients are not finite'
if cnt_coef lt n_elements(spec_coef) then spec_coef[bad]=0
fits_read, filename, mask, EXTNAME='MASK', MESSAGE=mess3, /NO_ABORT
if mess3 ne '' then begin
wl = crval1 + lindgen(naxis1) * cdelt1
bad = where(wl ge 5876.87 and wl le 5909.35, cnt)
mask = bytarr(naxis1) + 1
if cnt gt 0 then mask[bad] = 0
goodpix = where (mask eq 1, cnt)
if cnt eq 0 then undefine, goodpix
s = uly_spect_alloc(START=crval1, STEP=cdelt1, SAMPLING=samp, DATA=spec_coef, GOODPIX=goodpix)
return, s
function uly_tgm_init, cmp, WAVERANGE=lamrange, VELSCALE=velscale, $
SAMPLING=sampling, STEP=step, QUIET=quiet
compile_opt idl2
on_error, 2
init_data = *cmp.init_data
cmp.eval_fun = 'uly_tgm_eval'
if size(init_data.model, /TYPE) eq 7 then begin
if file_test(init_data.model) ne 1 then begin
print, 'Error, model file does not exist!'
fits_read, init_data.model, data, hdr, /HEADER_ONLY
uly_type = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'ULY_TYPE', /SILENT, COUNT=cnt), 2)
if cnt eq 1 and uly_type ne 'TGM' then $
message,'Invalid model file, expect ULY_TYPE=TGM, get '+uly_type
naxis1 = string(sxpar(hdr, 'NAXIS1'))
naxis2 = sxpar(hdr, 'NAXIS2', /SILENT, COUNT=cnt)
if cnt eq 0 then $
message,'Invalid model file, only one axis '
ctype1 = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'CTYPE1', /SILENT, COUNT=cnt), 2)
if cnt eq 0 then ctype1 = 'AWAV'
crval1 = double(string(sxpar(hdr, 'CRVAL1')))
cdelt1 = double(string(sxpar(hdr, 'CDELT1')))
version = sxpar(hdr, 'INTRP_V', /SILENT, COUNT=cnt)
if cnt eq 0 then version = 1
calibration = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'INTRP_C', /SILENT, COUNT=cnt), 2)
if version le 2 then begin
if naxis2 lt 23 then $
message,'Invalid interpolator format for version='+strtrim(version,2)+ ' naxis2='+string(naxis2)+' ('+init_data.model+')'
endif else if version eq 3 then begin
if naxis2 lt 26 then $
message,'Invalid interpolator format for version='+strtrim(version,2)
endif else message,'Unsupported interpolator version='+strtrim(version,2)
if ptr_valid(cmp.eval_data) then begin
if n_elements(velscale) ne 0 and n_elements(lamrange) ne 0 then begin
cmp_velsc = cmp.step * 299792.458d0
if velscale eq cmp_velsc then begin
cmp_npix = (size((*cmp.eval_data).spec_coef,/DIM))[0]
cmp_wrang = cmp.start + [0,cmp_npix-1]*cmp.step
if cmp.sampling eq 1 then cmp_wrang = exp(cmp_wrang)
d = intarr(naxis1)
s0 = uly_spect_alloc(START=crval1, STEP=cdelt1, SAMPLING=0, DATA=d)
wr0 = uly_spect_get(s0, /WAVERANGE)
wr = [max([wr0[0],lamrange[0]]), min([wr0[1],lamrange[1]])]
s0 = uly_spect_logrebin(s0, velscale, WAVERANGE=wr, /OVER, /FLUX)
wr = uly_spect_get(s0, /WAVERANGE)
uly_spect_free, s0
if wr[0] eq cmp_wrang[0] and wr[1] eq cmp_wrang[1] then begin
return, cmp
if total((*cmp.para)[0].limits ne [0d,0d]) eq 0 then begin
teffrange = double(string(sxpar(hdr, 'TEFFLIM*', COUNT=cnt)))
if cnt ne 2 then teffrange = [3100.0, 40000.]
(*cmp.para)[0].limits = alog(teffrange)
if total((*cmp.para)[1].limits ne [0d,0d]) eq 0 then begin
loggrange = double(string(sxpar(hdr, 'LOGGLIM*', COUNT=cnt)))
if cnt ne 2 then loggrange = [-0.25, 5.9]
(*cmp.para)[1].limits = loggrange
if total((*cmp.para)[2].limits ne [0d,0d]) eq 0 then begin
fehrange = double(string(sxpar(hdr, 'FEHLIM*', COUNT=cnt)))
if cnt ne 2 then fehrange = [-2.5, 1.0]
(*cmp.para)[2].limits = fehrange
s = uly_tgm_coef_load(init_data.model)
wr = crval1 + [0, (naxis1-1)*cdelt1]
if ctype1 eq 'AWAV-LOG' then wr = exp(wr)
if n_elements(lamrange) gt 0 then wr[0] = max([lamrange[0],wr[0]])
if n_elements(lamrange) gt 1 then wr[1] = min([lamrange[1],wr[1]])
if init_data.rebin_coef eq 1 then begin
sampl = 1
if n_elements(sampling) eq 1 then sampl = sampling
if sampl eq 1 then begin
undefine, velsc
if n_elements(velscale) eq 1 then velsc = velscale $
else if n_elements(step) eq 1 then velsc = step * 299792.458d
s = uly_spect_logrebin(s, velsc, WAVERANGE=wr, /OVER)
endif else if sampl eq 0 then begin
s = uly_spect_linrebin(s, step, WAVERANGE=wr, /OVER)
endif else begin
s = uly_spect_extract(s, WAVERANGE=wr, /OVER)
mod_samp = s.sampling
mod_start = s.start
mod_step = s.step
spec_coef = *
cmp.sampling = 1
if n_elements(sampling) eq 1 then cmp.sampling = sampling
if cmp.sampling eq mod_samp then cmp.step = mod_step
if n_elements(velscale) eq 1 then begin
if cmp.sampling ne 1 then message, 'Inconsistency in the arguments'
cmp.step = velscale/299792.458d0
if n_elements(step) eq 1 then cmp.step = step
resam = 0
if n_elements(lamrange) gt 0 then if wr[0] ne lamrange[0] then resam = 1
if n_elements(lamrange) gt 1 then if wr[1] ne lamrange[1] then resam = 1
if mod_samp ne cmp.sampling or mod_step ne cmp.step or resam eq 1 then begin
s = uly_spect_extract(s, ONED=0, /OVER)
if cmp.sampling eq 0 then begin
undefine, step
if cmp.step ne 0 then step= cmp.step
s = uly_spect_linrebin(s, step, WAVERANGE=lamrange, /OVER)
endif else if cmp.sampling eq 1 then begin
undefine, velscale
if cmp.step ne 0 then velscale = cmp.step * 299792.458d0
s = uly_spect_logrebin(s, velscale, WAVERANGE=lamrange, /OVER)
endif else message, 'Cannot yet resample to sampling=2'
cmp.start = s.start
cmp.step = s.step
cmp.npix = (size(*, /DIM))[0]
cmp.sampling = s.sampling
if n_elements(*s.goodpix) gt 0 then begin
ptr_free, cmp.mask
cmp.mask = ptr_new(bytarr(cmp.npix))
(*cmp.mask)[*s.goodpix] = 1
uly_spect_free, s
ptr_free, cmp.eval_data
if n_elements(*init_data.lsf_file) gt 0 then lsf = *init_data.lsf_file $
else lsf = 'no_lsf'
cmp.eval_data = ptr_new({spec_coef:spec_coef, $
start:cmp.start, step:cmp.step, npix:cmp.npix, sampling:cmp.sampling, $
mod_samp:mod_samp, mod_start:mod_start, mod_step:mod_step, $
lsf:lsf, version:version, calibration:calibration})
return, cmp
Part of